7 mei: ICOMOS Bouwen met Idealen in de 3de Wereld

7 mei 2014 | 18.30 uur | ,

De Indiase stad Chandigarh is gebouwd door Le Corbusier en een groep bevlogen Westerse architecten ontwikkelde een nieuwbouw complex voor slumbewoners in Casablanca. Westerse ideeën rond architectuur en stedenplanning hebben niet alleen in koloniale tijden, maar ook in het na-oorlogse tijdperk, vanaf de jaren ’50 hun sporen nagelaten. Hoe staan de producten van een idealistische, grootschalige aanpak voor bouwen en wonen er nu voor? Vanaf 18.30 uur maaltijd en 19.30 uur presentaties. 


The Student Helpdesk

The Student Help Desk, an initiative of previous ICOMOS the Netherlands chair, prof. dr. ir. Frits van Voorden and coordinated by dr. Pauline K.M. van Roosmalen, aims at opening the eyes of students in architecture and architecture history for the quality of European colonial architecture and town planning worldwide and broaden their design and research skills. The discovery of different perspectives on European built heritage often turns out to be an enlightening and inspiring experience, both on a professional and on a personal level. During this evening students will share their experiences.


Orsolya Mátyus

Ways of living. The effects of the globalized world on contemporary Indian dwelling architecture

The design studio “Charging Chandigarh” was a project about the contemporary dwellings in India. The economy of India has been growing rapidly and the country has decided to open up to the rest of the world. How did dwelling architecture of India change during the last decades and to what extent had the Western world influence on it?

Tan Guang Ruey

Batavia and Malacca: A comparative study of the town planning and architecture during VOC rule

In 1619, the Dutch East India Company (VOC) established a capital in the port city of Batavia. Malacca immediately became an important maritime interest of VOC in controlling the Straits of Malacca and Sunda as well as dominating the main trade route of the Malay Archipelago. When Malacca came into the possession of the Dutch in 1641, Batavia remained the economic and administrative centre of VOC and Malacca faded into insignificance.

Did the different emphasis of VOC’s involvement and exploitation in these two colonial cities reflect on the colonial buildings? Are there similarities or differences between them, and if so, what are they?

Sjoerd Broek

Experimental Architecture in Algeria and Morocco in the 1950′s

What approach did European architects choose to rehouse the dwellers of the slums in Algeria and Morocco in the 1950′s. An exploration of the approaches of the CIAM- groups in Algeria and Morocco to find the ‘habitat’ of the slumdwellers and how the architects (Pouillon, Simounet, Ecochard and Candilis) tried to translate the results of the analysis in their designs.

Maarten Hercules

Gmelig Meyling’s work at the NAi.

Albertus Wilhelm (Ab) Gmelig Meyling (Amsterdam, 20 april 1909 – 7 augustus 1991) was a Dutch architect who worked in the Dutch-Indies and in the Netherlands. Since 1937 he was vice director of Ingenegeren-Vrijburg N.V., and designed a lot of buildings, especially in Bandung. During the period 1942-1945 he was in a Japanese camp in Cimahi; after the war he was back to his profession. In 1947 he was elected as a professor at the Technische Hogeschool Bandoeng (now Bandung Institute of Technology) and he kept that position until 1955. Until 1957 he worked in Indonesia. After returning to the Netherlands he worked for the architecture bureau Zanstra, Gmelig Meyling en De Clercq Zubli. His work archives are kept in the Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam.

*Note: the entrance of the venue of the ICOMOS-meeting is NOT the main entrance of Museum Geelvinck Hinlopen Huis, please use the entrance of Herengracht 518 sous.



The evening starts from 18h.30 with informal drinks and meal

Costs for drinks and meal are € 10,- p.p. (to be paid on the spot) for members as well as for non-members


The lecture takes place from 19h30 till 21h30

Entrance is free for ICOMOS-members

Non-ICOMOS members pay € 5,- for attending the lecture



Please report your attendance for lecture and drinks/meal beforehand at icomac@icomos.nl

ICOMOS Chandigarh parlemetnsgebouwChandigarh, Parlementsgebouw