Concours Young Talents on Fortepiano 2014, Final Round
15 oktober 2014 | 19.30 uur
| Museum Geelvinck Hinlopen Huis,
Onderdeel van het Geelvinck Fortepiano Festival

Finale Geelvinck Festival Fortepiano Concours
De twee jonge finalisten spelen op een vroege en een late pianoforte vleugel.
Zij spelen stukken naar eigen keuze en u hoort dus steeds een ander stuk.
De jury staat onder voorzitterschap van Marcel Baudet (Young Pianist Foundation).
Inmiddels zijn de finalisten bekend:
a. Sayuri Nagoya uit Japan. Zij speelt in de finale:
– Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791): Sonate in B groot, K570
– Clara Wieck-Schumann (1819-1896): Trois Romances in es klein, Op. 11
Na de pauze
b. Olga Pashchenko uit Rusland.
– Joseph Woelfl (1773-1812): Sonate in c-moll klein, Op. posth.
– Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849): Andante spianato et grande polonaise brillante, Op. 22
De Aanmoedigingsprijs Fortepiano 2014 is naar Olga Pashchenko gegaan
Historische piano’s: – fortepiano vleugel door Johann Zahler, Brünn/Brno, c. 1805 *
– fortepiano vleugel door Pleyel & Cie., Parijs, 1849 **
Na afloop wordt tijdens een feestelijke borrel de winnaar door de jury bekend gemaakt.
Beide finalisten waren reeds te beluisteren op Opium op Radio 4
* = bruikleen Gijs Wilderom
** = bruikleen Richard Egarr
Final Round – Wednesday evening 15th October
Each of the three remaining candidates performs two pieces:
• a piece by Mendelssohn, Schumann, Chopin or a composer, who is their contemporary, on a Pleyel pianoforte grand (Paris, 1849).
• a sonate from the period of the Viennese Classicism on the early Viennese action pianoforte grand of the first round.
The Jury decides on awarding the Geelvick Festival Award 2014.
The performances are being recorded for use on the website of the festival and the museum, as well as on YouTube.
Concours requirements
A full outline of the concours requirements, you will find here.
Aim, jury members and background
Information on the aim, the jury members and the history of the Fortepiano Concours, you will find here.
How to participate in the concours
Information how to participate, you will find here.
Master Classes on Square Piano and Clavichord
On Tuesday 14th during the morning and early afternoon, there will be public master classes by Stanley Hoogland, Anna Maria MacElwain and Michael Tsalka for square piano and clavichord. Candidates are offered to participate by preference. Please indicate your interest in participating well in advance. You will find more information here.
Geelvinck Square Piano Award
Optional for candidates of the Fortepiano Concours is their participation for the Square Piano Award.
The Jury can chose to award a separate prize of € 500 to the best performance on square piano, if the quality level of the performance is in accordance with the award’s requirements.
This optional and separate square piano concours takes part on Tuesday 14th October in the afternoon.
For more information on this opportunity, please click here.
For further information:
Marijke Eichelsheim and/or Dunya Verwey at
The performances of concours program are open for the general public.
Journalists, conservatory students, university and Reinwardt (AHK) students, professional (forte)pianists, conservatory professors and lectors, professional piano teachers (EPTA), members of EPTA (European Piano Teachers Association), Friends and members of the Intimi and Maecenas Circles of Museum Geelvinck Hinlopen Huis, foreign diplomates and (professional or honorary) consuls, members of ICOM, ICOMOS, CIMCIM, Europa Nostra, or De Amsterdamsche Kring, have free entrance (please use “vrijkaart”).