David Chung on Fortepiano with 2x Bach, Mozart & Haydn
20 oktober 2015 | 20.15 uur
| Museum Geelvinck,

David Chung, Solo fortepiano programme,
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)
– Das Wohltemperierte Klavier II
• Prelude and Fugue no. 11 in F major, BWV 880
• Prelude and Fugue no. 20 in A minor, BWV 889
– Chromatische Fantasie und Fugue, BWV 903
Johann Christian Bach (1735–1782)
Sonata in C minor, Op. 17 No. 2
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756–1791)
Fantasia in D minor, KV 397 (385g)
Joseph Haydn (1732–1809)
Sonata in B minor, Hob.XVI:32
Allegro moderato
Menuet and [Trio]
Finale. Presto
David Chung – fortepiano
David Chung performs extensively on a variety of historic and modern keyboard instruments to critical acclaim in cities across Europe, North America and Asia. Noted for his ‘finesse and sensibilité’, he has appeared in the Festival d’Ile-de-France, Hong Kong International Chamber Music Festival, Le French May Arts Festival, and Hong Kong New Vision Arts Festival, and performed in recital series of the Benton Fletcher Collection, the Cobbe Collection and the Handel House.
As a chamber musician he has collaborated with such artists as Runa Baagøe, Victoria Brawn, Lorenzo Colitto, Ian Davidson, Jane Downer, Peter Hanson, Monica Huggett, Henning Kraggerud, Markku Luolajan-Mikkola, and Jari Puhakka His recordings range across French baroque music and stylus phantasticus works by Bach and his contemporaries.
Chung read music and French at the Chinese University, and, upon graduation, was awarded the Jardine Matheson Scholarship for performing studies at the Royal Academy of Music, London. He received the Commonwealth Scholarship for pursuing musicological research at Churchill College, Cambridge where he completed his doctoral dissertation on 17th-century French keyboard music. Under the guidance of Gill Severs, he was awarded the Concert Recital Diploma (Premier Prix) at the London Guildhall School of Music and Drama and was a scholarship recipient at the Accademia Musicale Chigiana, Italy. He has participated in masterclasses with such eminent teachers as Christopher Hogwood, Kenneth Gilbert, Davitt Moroney and Linda Nicholson.
Chung’s scholarly contributions include critical editions of keyboard arrangements of Jean-Baptiste Lully’s music (UT Orpheus, 2004, www.utorpheus.com; Web Library of Seventeenth-Century Music, 2014, www.sscm-wlscm.org) as well as articles and reviews in such journals as Early Music, Early Keyboard Journal, Eighteenth-Century Music, Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music, (www.sscm-jscm.org) and Music & Letters. His monograph entitled ‘The port de voix in Louis Couperin’s Unmeasured Preludes: A Study of Types, Functions and Interpretation’ was published in Performers’ Voices Across Centuries and Cultures (London: Imperial Press, 2011). As teacher, he has given lectures, lecture recitals and masterclasses in institutions including the Trinity College of Music, Cambridge University, Texas State University, UT Austin, the Central Conservatory of Beijing, and Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Chung is currently Professor of performance studies at Hong Kong Baptist University.