Goran Filipec – piano: Beethoven, Macek, Skriabin en Liszt

17 december 2015 | 20.15 uur | Museum Geelvinck,

De jonge, briljante pianist Goran Filipec geeft op donderdag 17 december een pianorecital met Beethoven, Macek, Skriabin en Liszt

Dit concert komt tot stand met vriendelijke medewerking van SHIGERU KAWAI

Aanvang: het concert begint om 20.15 uur

Entree: Herengracht 518


Over het programma: Tussen alle historische fortepiano’s kinkt donderdagavond 17 december een ander geluid in de Blauwe Kamer: een KAWAI concertvleugel. Goran Filipec, de briljante leerling van Naum Grubert en van wie een grote toekomst verwacht wordt, geeft een pianorecital met Beethoven, Skriabin, Liszt en een stuk van de hier onbekende Croatische componist Macek, door Goran dit jaar voor Macek’s 100ste geboortejaar op CD uitgebracht.


Over deze CD: “Although Ivo Maček’s works for piano are small in number, they display great stylistic diversity and exquisite musical refinement. There is no doubting the originality of his musical ideas, which are shot through with stylistic glimpses of Scriabin, Ravel, Rachmaninov, Prokofiev and, occasionally, Busoni. This year’s centenary of the composer’s birth has proved a great opportunity to prepare this recording and share the unique experience with other music lovers.” – Goran Filipec


Goran Filipec – piano

Goran Filipec, a pianist with extraordinary charisma and subtle musical intuition, pertains to the group of musicians whose interpretations continue to win the hearts of international audience and critics. “…Powerful and subtle in exact degrees, with an infinite capability of phrasing and poetical deepening in the most tremendous passages, almost ignoring the infinite difficulties of the score, Filipec dedicated himself to making music…” referred Pablo Kohan from the Buenos Aires daily La Nación to his interpretation, while Edith Eisler from New Yorker Concert Review referred to his performance as “…brilliant and refined…”.

Born in Rijeka (Croatia) in 1981, he studied piano at the Royal Conservatoire of The Hague, Moscow’s State Conservatory P. I. Tchaikovsky, and “Ino Mirkovich” Academy of Music with Naum Grubert, Natalia Trull, Oxana Yablonskaya and Evgeny Zarafiants. Since 2013 he is pursuing doctoral studies in music (Doctorat d’interprète de la musique) at the University Paris-Sorbonne and the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris working on a subject related to piano transcriptions.

Goran Filipec is laureate of several international piano competitions such as Franz Liszt – Premio Mario Zanfi (Italy) in 2011, Concurso de Parnassos (Mexico) in 2010, Gabala International Piano Competition (Azerbaijan) in 2009 and José Iturbi International Music Competition (USA) in 2009.

As soloist he has performed all over Europe, United States, South America and Japan and his performances were broadcasted by several radio and television channels in Switzerland, France, Argentina, Brazil and Croatia. He is presently recording for the Naxos label.

As highlights of his performances could be mentioned concerts at the Philharmonie de Paris, Théâtre du Châtelet (Paris), Mariinsky Theatre (St. Petersburg), Auditorium di Milano, Carnegie Hall (New York), Bela Bartok National Concert Hall (Budapest), National Concert Hall (Dublin), Minato Mirai Concert Hall (Yokohama), Teatro Coliseo (Buenos Aires), Progetto Martha Argerich (Lugano), as well as performances with numerous orchestras such as the Moscow Symphony Orchestra, Berlin Symphony Orchestra, Kodály Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestra del Teatro Reggio (Parma), Orquesta del Teatro Colón or Zagreb Philharmonic.

Goran Filipec is a pianist of fiery energy and well-defined artistic personality, with a special leaning towards classical and romantic repertoire and music of pronounced virtuosity.
