Norberto Broggini brengt Drie Eeuwen Muziek uit Latijns-Amerika op Kasteel Heeswijk
23 oktober 2015 | 20.00 uur
| Kasteel Heeswijk,

Alonso Avila (Palencia c.1500), Diego Fernández (14??-1551), Francisco Peñalosa (c.1470-1528)
3 instrumentale muziekwerken uit het “San Juan Ixcoi manuscript”, San Miguel Acatán, Guatemala
Lucas Ruiz de Ribayaz (Santa María Ribarredonda, Burgos 1626 ( post.1677)
Deze Spanjaard was werkzaam in Peru.
Xácaras por primer tono – Gallardas – Chaconas – Marionas – Achas – Buelta del Hacha – Bacas
(Luz y Norte Musical, Madrid 1677)
Uit het “Chiquitos” Orgelboek, Bolivia, c.1746:
Anoniem: Preludio – Folías
Domenico Zipoli (Prato, Italia 1688 – Córdoba, Argentina 1726): Retirada del Emperador
Anoniem: Tocada (Allegro – Grave – Allegro) – Africa – Al nacimiento del Archedug (Allegro – Siciliana – Presto) – Del Príncipe – Reina de Ungría – Sinfonía.
Domenico Zipoli (Prato, Italia 1688 – Córdoba, Argentina 1726)
Deze Italiaan werkte en overleed in Argentinie.
Sonate d’Intavolatura, parte II, Roma 1716 (Preludio – Corrente – Sarabanda – Giga)
Juan Pedro Esnaola (Buenos Aires, 1808 – 1878)
Contradanza in f minor (ms Azzarini, 12-4-1845)
Capricho en forma de cielito (Álbum Carlos Eguía)
Vals in e minor (ms Azzarini)
Vals b minor “La Pasión” (Album Eguía, 25)
Minué in d minor “Minué Federal o Montonero” (ms Azzarini, 4-3-1845)
Polka in C Major (ms. Azzarini)
Instrumenten: Norberto Broggini speelt op pianoforte Broadwood 1840, klavecimbel, muselaar en Renaissanceorgel
Norberto Broggini – early keyboards and composer
Norberto Broggini was born in Buenos Aires, where he graduated from the Manuel de Falla Conservatory having specialized in piano and musical culture. He went on to study harpsichord, organ and clavichord at the Geneva Early Music Centre, graduating in 1991. In 1992 he performed as a soloist with the European Union Baroque Orchestra, conducted by Ton Koopman.
As a harpsichordist with the Ensemble Elyma, which is conducted by Gabriel Garrido, he has performed at numerous festivals in Europe, the United States, Africa and Latin America. As an enthusiast for New World organ music, he has played numerous historical Latin American instruments, salvaging and recording forgotten sixteenth- to nineteenth-century repertoires. This effort included the performance of the complete keyboard works by Domenico Zipoli (1688-1726) for Radio Suisse-Romande and the world premier recording of the Chiquitos Organ Book. In addition, he edited unpublished keyboard pieces by Girolamo Frescobaldi taken from a manuscript at the Bodmerian Library in Cologny.
As a resident organist at the Eaux-Vives Church in Geneva, he founded the Ensemble AquaViva in 2002 and gave the dedication concert playing the new Grenzing organ. Norberto Broggini has lectured in numerous musicology symposiums, and taught master classes in Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, France, Spain and Switzerland. In 2005, he started an initiative to recover the music of the nineteenth-century Argentine composer Juan Pedro Esnaola (1808-1878) driving the restoration of the composer’s square piano kept at the National Historical Museum in Buenos Aires. In 2008 the Projecto Esnaola was recognized as being “of parliamentary interest” by the Argentine Chamber of Deputies.
Mr. Broggini also has performed the modern world première of several classical and romantic works by Antoine Léonce Kuhn (Alsace, 1753 – Switzerland, 1823) Sigismond Neukomm (Austria, 1778 – France, 1858) Pedro Ximénez Abrill Tirado (Peru, 1780 – Bolivia, 1856) and Claudio Rebagliati (Italy, 1843 – Peru, 1909). His recordings are available on the labels K.617, Ambronay, Cantus, Enchiaridis, NB, Verso and Tradition. His personal collection includes original fortepianos by Longman & Broderip (London, c.1795) Johann Schantz (Wien, c.1802) Dieudonné & Schiedmayer (Stuttgart, c. 1825) Camille Pleyel (Paris, 1841) and Erard (Paris, 1863)