Sayuri Nagoya – fortepiano: Improvisation, Sonata & Fantasia: C.P.E. Bach, Haydn, Mozart & Eberl
21 augustus 2019 | 13.00 uur
| Muziek Museum Zutphen, Zutphen

Sayuri Nagoya laat op de Heilmann fortepiano uit ca 1785 (Mozart’s tijd!) horen hoe de fortepiano zich heeft ontwikkeld op het snijpunt van de 18de en 19de eeuw, met muziek van W.A. Mozart, F.J. Haydn, C.P.E. Bach en A.F.J. Eberl.
Improvisation, Sonata, and Fantasia:
Works by C. P. E. Bach, J. Haydn, W. A. Mozart and A. Eberl
Sayuri Nagoya
Heilmann Fortepiano grand 1780-1790
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788)
Fantasia in F major, Wq.59/5 (1782)
Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)
Piano Sonata No. 39 in D major, Hob. XVI:24 (1773?/pub. 1774)
- Allegro
- Adagio
- Finale. Presto
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Fantasia in D minor, K. 397/385g (1782)
Joseph Haydn
Andante with Variations in F minor, Hob.XVII:6 (1793)
Anton Franz Josef Eberl (1765-1807)
Grand Sonata in G minor, Op. 27 (1805)
Allegro appassionato e vivace assai
De onterecht onbekende componist Anton Eberl
Sayuri Nagoya
Sayuri Nagoya is a keyboard player who focuses on period instruments: clavichord, harpsichord and pianoforte. She studied modern piano with Minoru Nojima at the Toho Gakuen Graduate School of Music where she also started studying harpsichord. In 2011, she started her pianoforte study at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussels with a scholarship from the government of Belgium. In 2014, she obtained her Master diploma on pianoforte with great distinction. She is studying harpsichord at the same school since 2015. From 2016, She started her music activities as participated in the Festival resonances in Belgium and the Wunderkammer Festival in Italy, also performed some recitals at the Accademia Filarmonica Romana and the Accademia Bartolomeo Cristfori as pianofortist and harpchordist. She got prizes at the International Geelvinck Fortepiano Concours and the Square Piano Award in 2014, and at the harpsichord competition “Wedstrijd Vlaamse Klavecimbeldag” in 2019. Moreover, she is the winner of the Rome Fortepiano International Competition ‘Muzio Clementi Prize’ 2015, and the She is going to release her first CD with the works by Anton Eberl by Brilliant Classics.