Stanley Hoogland Square Piano Award
17 oktober 2015 | 11.00 uur
| Museum Geelvinck,

De deelnemers aan het Geelvinck Fortepiano Concours kunnen ook strijden voor de Stanley Hoogland Square Piano Award, uit te voeren op twee historische instrumenten: een Roduwart tafelpiano 1798 of een Broadwood tafelpiano uit 1802, en een Mortimer, Anderson & Comp. tafelpiano uit1836.
Vanaf dit jaar is de prijs vernoemd naar één van de gangmakers van de Oude Muziek, drijvende kracht achter de historisch geïnformeerde uitvoeringspraktijk in Amsterdam en voorvechter van het behoud van bespeelbare historische pianofortes, tafelpiano’s en andere historische piano’s, Stanley Hoogland.
Optional for candidates of the International Geelvinck Fortepiano Concours is the competition on historic square pianos for which a separate award may be acquired.
The candidates for the Stanley Hoogland Square Piano Award are:
11:00-11:35 Naruhiko Kawaguchi *
11:35-12:10 Sofia Reshetnikova
12:10-12:45 Tsuyoshi Uwaha
12:45-13:20 Viacheslav Shelepov
13:20-13:45 Lunch Break
13:45-14:20 Daria Redina
14:20-14:55 Mariko Goto
14:55-15:30 Jury deliberation and result, awardgiving to winner.
* = also one of the finalists for Geelvinck Fortepiano Concours
The candidates are requested to perform two pieces solo on two square pianos:
– a (complete) sonata by a composer, who is contemporary to the square piano on which the piece will be performed
– another piece by another composer of his or her own choice
On the following historic instruments:
1. square piano by George Philippe Roduwart (Paris, 1798), FF-f”’, single action with knee lever: sustain, and lute stop, or either a square piano by John Broadwood & Son (London, 1803), FF-c””, single action with one pedal: sustain
2. square piano by John Broadwood & Son (London, 1803), FF-c””, single action with one pedel: sustain
3. square piano by Mortimer, Anderson & Comp. (Edinburgh, 1836), FF-f””, English double action, with one pedal (sustain) or either a comparable square piano from the same period by John Broadwood & Sons.
Full information on this competitions is here
Performance Program
11:00-11:35 Naruhiko Kawaguchi (japan,26)
1. M.B. de Nebra (1750-1784):
Sonata in f-sharp minor, Op. 1/5 (1780, Madrid)
2. F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809-1847):
Fantasy for piano, Op.15
11:35-12:10 Sofia Reshetnikova (Russia, 27)
1. J. Haydn (1732-1809):
Keyboard Sonata in g minor, Hob.XVI:44
2. J.L. Dussek (1760-1812):
Sonatina No. 2 in G major, Op. 20
12:10-12:45 Tsuyoshi Uwaha (japan, 30)
1. J. Haydn (1732-1809):
Piano Sonata in C major, Hob.XVI:50
2. F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809-1847):
Prelude and Fugue No.4 in A-flat major, Op.35
12:45-13:20 Viacheslav Shelepov (Rusland, 24)
1. C.P.E. Bach (1714-1788):
Piano Sonata No.5 in C major W 53/5, H 163 (from «Leichte Sonaten»)
2. J. Haydn (1732-1809):
Keyboard Sonata No.32 in D major
13:20-13:45 Lunch Break
13:45-14:20 Daria Redina (Rusland, 23)
1. L. van Beethoven (1770-1827):
Piano Sonata No.11 in B-flat major, Op.22, Mvt. I & II
2. W.F. Bach (1710-1784):
Keyboard Sonata in E-flat major, F.5
14:20-14:55 Mariko Goto (Japan, 30)
1. J.C. Bach (1735-1782):
Keyboard Sonata No.2 in c minor, Op.17
2. F. Schubert (1797-1828):
Drei Klavier Stücken, D.946, I. E-flat major
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