Symposium III: Historically Informed Practise: Improvisation & Drama
22 oktober 2015 | 09.30 uur
| Museum Geelvinck,

‘Do we need another square piano?’ a question that points at all the issues around collections of historic instruments – for some a nightmare, for others an object of insatiable desire and passionate love.
In the Geelvinck Fortepiano Symposium on 20, 21 and 22 October, we will discuss several topics around the central issue: how to perform on historicpiano’s, how to keep them well and healthy, how to play on them, or not …. . Questions which are poignant, facing the fragility and visible decay of many of these instruments in collections or single ones, left alone and abandoned.
• 9h30-10h00 Coffee / registration
4th session ‘Historically Informed Performance: Improvisation & Drama
Moderator: dr. Michael Tsalka
• 10h00-10h15 Introduction theme 4th session by Michael Tsalka
• 10h15-10h50 recital Luba Podgayskaya
Steinweg Nachfolger (1880)
• 10h50-11h20 Els Biesemans and Massimiliano Di Mario
‘Looking for the ideal Chopin piano’
fortepiano built by Ignace Pleyel (Paris, 1849), CC-a””, English grand action with two pedels: sustain and una corda
• 11h20-10h30 discussion
• 11h30-11h50 tea break
• 11h50-12h15 Conclusions and final discussion by Michael Tsalka & Jurn Buisman
• 12h15-13h00 Lunch recital Sayori Nagoya
Clementi on English action: Stodart fortepiano 1815
Free afternoon
All participants are invited to
20h15 Last Piano Sonatas by Michael Tsalka in Museum Geelvinck Hinlopen Huis
Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert
Zahler (1805) and salon grand Erard (1892) i.m. Romain d’Ansembourg
The symposium program may be subject to change.
For the first day of the symposium (20 Oct.), more information here
For the second day of the symposium (21 Oct.), more information here