The Future of … Historic Piano Collections: a Pain in the Neck or a Joy Forever?
13 oktober 2014 | 19.30 uur
| Museum Geelvinck Hinlopen Huis,
Onderdeel van het Geelvinck Fortepiano Festival

Collections of Historic Pianos: a pain in the neck or a joy forever?
A collection always starts with the second instrument, after the first one. And then it depends, where the passion of the collector finds its limits. Most of the times, the boundaries are space and finances, but sometimes the lifelong passion grows out of hands and ends in a pain in the neck of the heirs.
Questions arise. Historic piano’s are part of our common cultural and musical heritage and deserve care and protection, but … all of them?
What are the future scenario’s? A bequest to a museum, which adds to its lack of space, auctioning off or into the depot? Which best practices we have at hand, which lead the way to their preservation and a joy for future generations?
This event will conclude with a fortepiano recital by Michael Tsalka.
He will perform pieces by unknown classical and early romantic masters, including Daniel Gottlob Tuerk, Johann Baptist Wanhal, W. A. Mozart, and Ferdinand Ries.
The Club of Amsterdam
The Club of Amsterdam is an independent, international, future-oriented think tank involved in channeling preferred futures, joins forces with those of you, who are concerned about the future of collections of historic pianos, like the Sweelinck Collection of early keyboard instruments, but not only this one.
ICOM / CIMCIM 2014: Do we need another square piano?
This discussion, part of the Club of Amsterdam discussion series ‘The Future of … ?’ is a follow-up of the key-topic of the annual conference of ICOM / CIMCIM 2014 in Scandinavia, an expert meeting for museums with musical instruments. The results of this conference will be the starting point of this discussion in Amsterdam and is meant for an international public of experts and students alike in the field of music, museums and cultural heritage.
Paper: Do we need more Square Pianos in the Collection?, presented at CIMCIM 2014, read more
Keynote Speakers:
– Annechien Blokpoel (CEO, PerspeXo, Co-Moderator) : introduction on Club of Amsterdam
– Göran Grahn (curator musical instruments Nydahl Coll., Stockholm)
– Giovanni di Stefano (curator musical collection Rijksmuseum)
– Jurn Buisman (Museum Geelvinck / Sweelinck Collection)
– Alastaire Laurence (curator musical instruments Finchcocks Museum)
– Richard Egarr (Conservatorium Amsterdam)
– Dick Verel (Museum of musical instruments Vosbergen, Eelde)
– Simon Groot (University of Amsterdam, Bijzondere Collecties, curator Music Dept.)
– Frans Wytema (private collector, former chairman Sweelinck Collection)
Expected guests:
– Casper Jansse (Pianola Museum)
– Andrew Meyer (musicologist)
– Michael Tsalka (musician and expert on early keyboards)
– Martin Spaink (harpsichord restorer)
– Giuseppe Accardi (private collector )
Moderator: Annechien Blokpoel
19h30h. – 1945h. : Registration & Coffee
19.45h. – 20.45h.: Part I: Introduction & Key-note speakers
20.45h. – 21.00h.: Coffee break
21.00h. – 22.00h.: Part II: Panel & Concert
This event will be rounded up by a 40 minutes recital on fortepiano by Michael Tsalka and on clavichord by Anna Marie McElwain.
English is the main language of this discussion forum.
Entrance: Herengracht 518 – sous
Tickets for this Season Event are
….Regular Ticket: € 30,-
….Discount Ticket: € 20,- [*]
….Student Ticket: € 10,-
As a non-for-profit foundation we don’t charge VAT.
[*] see
How to pay for the tickets?
– a) Online booking with credit card: Ticket Corner
– b) By bank: send an email with your details, number of tickets, type of tickets
and event name to: and make the payment to
ABN AMRO Bank, Club of Amsterdam, Account 976399393, Amstelveen,
The Netherlands, IBAN NL52ABNA0976399393, BIC ABNANL2A
– c) By invoice: send an email with your billing details, number of tickets, type of
tickets.and event name to:
– d) At the registration desk the evening of the event – unless we are sold out
earlier: 19:30-19:45