Yiannis Giagourtas: de Rebelse Gitaar: Spanje, Italië, Griekenland en Argentinië

20 september 2015 | 16.45 uur | Museum Geelvinck,

Klassiek gitarist Yiannis Giagourtas brengt een breed palet aan gitaarmuziek, waarbij hij composities uit de klassieke traditie combineert met gitaarmuziek uit verschillende tijden en muziekculturen: ” In my repertoire I include music from composers of various styles and epochs. Famous and inspiring classical guitar compositions from Greece, Italy, Spain and Argentina. Among others, I will perform music from M. Theodorakis, G. Regondi, J. Rodrigo and A. Ginastera. An exciting and amusing classical guitar concert for classical music enthusiasts and music lovers!”

Yiannis will perform for the first time a couple of compositions, included in his upcoming CD.

De Rebelse Gitaar
De componisten in dit recital sloegen allen nieuwe wegen in, laten een nieuw geluid horen, waren rebels in hun tijd; vandaar de titel: de Rebelse Gitaar.



1. I. Albeniz (1860-1909) : Granada Rumores de la Caleta

2. M. Theodorakis (1925-) : Three pieces from the Epitaph
– My perfumed lips
– A day in May
– You have set my star

3. A. Ginastera (1916-1983 ): Sonata for Guitar, Op.47
– Esordio
– Scherzo
– Canto
– Finale

—————– Intermission ——————–

4. G. Regondi (1822-1872) : Introduction e caprice, Op. 23

5. F. Tarrega (1852-1909) :
– Capricho Arabe (1892)
– Recuerdos de la Alhambra (1896)

6. J. Rodrigo (1901-1999) : Tres Piezas Espanolas
– Fandango
– Passacaglia
– Zapateado


Yiannis Giagourtas – klassiek gitarist

Yiannis Giagourtas, an exceptional performer who is characterized by his passionate stage performance and unique musical sensitivity (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXb-UvDfkeg&list=UUF3tlqG275P9o55LeMfjKJQ).

It’s worth mentioning that Yiannis’s performances have been aired in BravaNL, while a documentary about his path & guitar art is currently in process by a distinct director, being an international production (Spanish, American & Greek). He is based in Den Haag & gives performances all around Europe, having developed a solid and devoted audience. He performs a highly skilled repertoire, including the most famous pieces of classic guitar range (J. Rodrigo, D. Aguado etc), as well as Greek composers such as M. Theodorakis & T. Antoniou.

Meer over Yiannis Giagourtas:

http://www.iamgreek.nl/arts-and-culture/2015/02/11/yiannis-giagourtas,-a-great-artist-and-guitarist/, as well as his recent portrait: https://www.yout
*More info & live performances of Yiannis Giagourtas:
Official Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF3tlqG275P9o55LeMfjKJQ
Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Yiannis-Giagourtas/185540587478

