Megumi Tanno – fortepiano & tenor Ambroz Bajec-Lapajne: De Schumanns

11 februari 2018 | 16.45 uur | Museum het Cromhouthuis, Amsterdam

Megumi Tanno, fortepiano en tenor Ambroz Bajec-Lapajne vertolken composities van Robert en Clara Schumann.

Over het programma:
Megumi legt uit in haar eigen woorden:

First pieces of Clara, Praeludium und Fuga were composed in 1845, right after they moved to Dresden. These Preludium and Fuga are the result of Robert and Clara, every day studying Bach, counterpoint study.
But her uniqueness shows everywhere. Especially in a long line of singing melody and special harmony. So this is not just study, I would say.
The piece Op.90 with Ambroz, was composed in 1850.
Text by Lenau, a Hungarian poet (1-6 songs)
But the last piece called Requiem: the text is from an old 12th c. Catholic poem. That is really one of the greatest, moving songs by Robert.
About my solo of Clara Op. 20 is composed in 1853 and dedicated to Robert.
Most important to say:
Between 24 November till 22 December, Robert and Clara were in NL!!!!1853
They gave 12 concerts, on those occasions, Clara played this variation too!
After Robert passed away, Clara didn’t play much of her own compositions.
 But, 1886, she again picked it up for public!
About Liederkreis:
That was composed in 1840, the year of they married!
One of the most famous songs in whole literature of German Lieder!!




Clara Schumann (1819-1896)
Präludium und Fuga B dur, Op. 16-2 (1845)

Robert Schumann (1810-1856)
6 Gedichte von Lennau und Requiem, Op. 90 (1850)

Clara Schumann (1819-1896)
Variationen über ein Thema von Robert Schumann für Pianoforte, Ihm gewidmet Op. 20 (1853)

Robert Schumann (1810-1856)
Liederkreis, Op. 39 (1840)


Museum het Cromhouthuis

Het Cromhouthuis vertelt het verhaal van de roemruchte familie Cromhout, die bijna twee eeuwen lang de panden aan de Herengracht 366-368 bewoonde. Hun huizen zijn vandaag de dag nog net zo imposant en fraai als destijds in de Gouden Eeuw. Het Bijbels Museum bevindt zich op de bovenste verdiepingen.

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