Romberg Dagen: Lezing – Romberg’s Violoncell Schule through the 19th century

12 mei 2018 | 15.30 uur | Conservatorium van Amsterdam, Amsterdam

Lezing door Octavie Dostaler-Lalonde met Maximiliano Segura Sanchez, cello

Romberg published his Violoncell Schule in 1840, one year before his death. It had a significant influence on cellists of his time and of the following generations, and was published in French by the Conservatoire de Paris (1840), in English in London (1840) and the United States (1880), among others. Several re-editions of the method appeared throughout the 19th century, and were often heavily altered to match the changes that occurred in technique and style during the romantic period. Looking at these differences, we can understand the various ways in which cello playing and musical taste were evolving, and trace Romberg’s influence in different countries over the century.

Romberg Dagen
Romberg Dagen is a festival over two days, celebrating the music of cellist Bernhard Romberg and his significant contribution to the repertoire of the cello and the development of its technique.
The weekend consists of three chamber music concerts of music by Romberg and other musicians from his circle (Reicha, Dotzauer, Ries), a masterclass and three lectures om 19th century performance practice, making it a concise but rich symposium commemorating this important musician.


All the events of the Romberg Dagen are free. In order to guarantee our artists a fee that reflects the quality of their work and to help with the costs of the organization, we need your help.
For this reason, we have started a campaign on the arts crowdfunding platform VoordeKunst. If the festival Romberg Dagen interests you and you would like to support it, please follow click on the voordekunst button to join our crowdfunding campaign! A variety of prizes and rewards are offered to our donors.


Conservatorium van Amsterdam

Het Conservatorium van Amsterdam (CvA) is het grootste en meest veelzijdige conservatorium in Nederland. Met een populatie van ca. duizend studenten, een uitstekend docentencorps, gesitueerd in het hart van Amsterdam, profiteert het CvA optimaal van het rijke Amsterdamse muziekklimaat en is het in staat studenten op te leiden tot musici op het hoogste niveau..

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