‘Fortepiano & Women’s Emancipation’, lecture-recital by Joyce Lindorff
23 oktober 2015 | 16.30 uur
| Felix Meritis, Amsterdam

Music of women composers, performed on fortepiano, by Dr. Joyce Lindorff (Esther Boyer College of Music, Temple University, Philadelphia, U.S.A.).
Joyce Lindorff, pianiste en klaveciniste, legt een link tussen de fortepiano en de emancipatie van de vrouw in de 18de en 19de eeuw. Waarom was de fortepiano zo populair bij jonge vrouwen? In een tijd waar meisjes niet naar school gingen, was muziek dé opstap naar ontwikkeling, kennis en cultuur. De fortepiano speelde daarin een sleutelrol.
Joyce Lindorff spreekt en speelt werk van vrouwelijke componistes op klavecimbel en fortepiano tijdens de eerste dag van het Weekeind van de Verlichting in Felix Meritis.
Joyce wordt ingeleid door Dunya Verwey, Dolle Mina van het eerste uur.
Joyce Lindorff – fortepiano & harpsichord
JOYCE LINDORFF is Professor of Keyboard Studies at the Boyer College of Music and Dance at Temple University, Philadelphia, where she has taught historical keyboards and performance practice for the past 18 years. She has concertized in the US, Europe, Russia, Japan and China, receiving solo recitalist awards from the Pro Musicis Foundation (France) and National Endowment for the Arts (US). Ensemble performances include Hesperus, Tempesta di Mare, Newberry Consort, Charbonnier Viol Ensemble, and Waverly Consort.
Based in New York for many years, she performed as keyboardist with the New York Philharmonic, Orchestra of St. Luke’s, and New York Chamber Symphony, and was a Teaching-Artist for the Lincoln Center Institute for the Arts in Education.
The New York Times wrote of a solo recital, “brilliant music, brilliantly played,” and Continuo Magazine called her CD of Poglietti’s Rossignolo “absolutely breath-taking!” Lindorff earned degrees at Sarah Lawrence College, University of Southern California, and Juilliard as a pupil of Albert Fuller. She began her teaching career at Cornell University, later holding Fulbright Professorships in Taiwan and China, where she has been honorary professor at the Shanghai Conservatory since 1992.
Her research on European music in 17th and 18th-century China, begun during her 7-year residence in Asia, has been published in US, European and Chinese journals. She has recorded for the Titanic, Centaur, CRI, Serenus, Digitech, BCM&D and Paladino labels. Her CD, “Music from the Harpsichord Miscellany,” was recorded on Colonial Williamsburg’s1758 Kirckman. Her Rossignolo CD was reissued by Paladino in Vienna, which also released her recording with baroque violinist Nancy Wilson, of the complete sonatas of Teodorico Pedrini, 18th-century music master to the Chinese emperor.
Geelvinck Fortepiano Festival 2015:
Joyce Lindorff takes part at the Geelvinck Fortepiano Festival 2015 and gives a recital on 18 October at the Honig Breethuis in Zaandijk. On 20 October, Dr. Lindorff will be a member of the discussion panel on the historically informed performance practice on keyboards. October 23, Dr. Lindorff will give a lecture-recital on ‘Fortepiano & Women’s Emancipation, in the Concertzaal of Felix Meritis.
On 24 October, 20h15, Joyce Lindorff takes part in the Multi Keyboard recital in Felix Meritis.
Genootschap Felix Meritis en partners presenteren, mede in het kader van het Geelvinck Fortepiano Festival, voor de liefhebbers van virtuositeit zonder humbug en van de twijfel als leidend beginsel, en bovenal voor hen die nieuwsgierig zijn naar onbekende vergezichten, maar ook voor al die anderen die hunkeren naar inzicht en doorzicht:
zie voor het uitgebreide programma: https://vriendenvanfelixmeritis.nl/onderwerp/agenda/
15:00 CULTUUR, ERFGOED & BURGERSCHAP, mini-congres, key-note speech: Paul Spies, directeur Amsterdam Museum: “Hoezo, Burgerschap?” m.m.v. Bert Mulder, Renée Steenbergen, Cees de Graaff, Marc Wingens en Jo Houben.
16:30 Lecture-recital “Fortepiano and Woman’s Emancipation”, by Dr. Joyce Lindorff (Esther Boyer College of Music, Temple University, Philadelphia, U.S.A.).
19:30 Inleiding bij de nieuwe compositie van Jens Vraa (DK) in New Frontiers door de componist
“Jens Vraa: an introduction to his keyboards works: Nocturne, Humoresque”.
Ten premières of new compositions for square piano (including the “Geelvinck Suite” on square piano and nai-flute) from The Netherlands, Iraq, Mexico, Denmark, Japan, Israel, Russia and Australia performed by Carolien Devilee, Kaoru Iwamura, Megumi Tanno, Michael Tsalka, Frederic Voorn and Sattar Alsaadi on three square pianos.