Lucie de Saint Vincent – fortepiano: Beethoven & Marie Bigot: Amitié & Admiration
20 december 2020 | 17.00 uur
| Huize Kolthoorn, Heerde

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Marie Bigot (1786-1820)
Suite d’études
étude en sol mineur: Allegretto
étude en A mineur : Allegretto
étude en C mineur : Allegro
Hélène de Montgeroult (1764-1834)
Sonate Nr.3 en fa mineur
Maestoso con espressione
Allegro agitato
——— pauze ———
Marie Bigot (1786-1820)
Sonate œuvre 1 en sib Majeur
Allegro espressivo
Felix Mendelssohn (1890-1847)
Lied ohne Worte in G minor , Op. 19b, No. 6,
Venetianisches Gondellied
Lied ohne Worte in G minor , Op. 30, No. 6,
Venetianisches Gondellied
Fanny Mendelssohn (1805-1847)
Nocturne en sol mineur
Over het programma:
On the program:
Descended from a family of Alsatian musicians, Marie Bigot played an important role in the European musical landscape at the turn of the 19th century. Married to the librarian, Count Andrey Razumovsky, she lived in Vienna between 1804-1809, where she became an intimate friend of Ludwig van Beethoven and took lessons with him. Beethoven was impressed by her pianism, notably when she deciphered his new “Appassionata” sonata, directly from his manuscript. He consequently presented the manuscript to her, which she took back to Paris; it’s now conserved in the Bibliothèque National de France.
During her stay in Vienna, she immersed herself in Viennese artistic society, playing also for Haydn and developing a friendship with Salieri. It was in Vienna that she composed her first and only sonata. However, her husband become jealous of her close relationship with Beethoven and moved the family back to Paris.
Upon returning to Paris, Marie Bigot composed her suite of études, opened her music school and gave lessons to Felix and Fanny Mendelssohn during them Parisian trip in 1816. They most likely worked with her on her own works.
Marie Bigot contributed significantly to the introduction of Beethoven’s music to the Parisian public as well as Hélène de Montgeroult, an another very important feminine figure of the Parisian scene.
Huize Kolthoorn
De Gelderse villa Huize Kolthoorn in de gelijknamige buurtschap, werd in 1880 op een steenworp van de grote en veel oudere boerderij van het landgoed gebouwd. Indertijd omvatte het landgoed - gelegen tussen de IJssel en de Noord-Veluwe - eveneens het aanpalende bos- en heidegebied (nu Landgoed Boshoven). Het landgoed werd in 1899 aangekocht door de gevierde kunstschilder Jan L. Kleintjes (1872-1955) en zijn vrouw Hedwig Kleintjes - van Osselen (1871-1936), dochter van de bekende kinderboekenschrijfster, Berta van Osselen - van Delden (1847-1936) en zelf ook kunstenares. Kolthoorn groeide in die jaren uit tot een centrum waar kunstenaars van diverse pluimage elkaar ontmoetten.Lees verder
8181 CS Heerde