On the Wings of Song: Unique Songs for Voice, Clarinet and Fortepiano: David Feldman – Countertenor, Gaia Gaibazzi – Clarinet & Michael Tsalka – Fortepianos
13 augustus 2019 | 20.00 uur
| Muziek Museum Zutphen, Zutphen

On the Wings of Song: Unique Songs for Voice, Clarinet and Fortepiano:
Works by Bononcini, Lachner, Purcell, Yzquierdo, Gaibazzi & Feldman, Ben-Haim, Spohr & Schubert.
David Feldman (Countertenor)
Gaia Gaibazzi (Clarinet)
Michael Tsalka (fortepianos)
Conrad Graf fortepiano grand, 1836
Erard fortepiano grand, 1901
Program ‘On the Wings of Songs’
Giovanni Bononcini (1670-1747)
– E sempre inquieto quel core infelice
– L’adorata genitrice
Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
Music for a while
Franz Lachner (1803-1890)
Auf Flügeln des Gesanges
Joan Josep Gutierrez Yzquierdo (Barcelona)
Prelude and Fugue (2019)
Dedicated to Michael Tsalka
Franz Schubert (1797-1828)
Der Hirt auf dem Felsen D. 965
Gaia Gaibazzi & David Feldman
Inspired by British & Jewish-American music for clarinet & voice’
Paul Ben-Haim (1897-1984)
Three Songs Without Words
• Ballad
Paul Ben-Haim
Louis Spohr (1784-1859)
Deutsche Lieder Op. 103
• Sei still mein Herz
• Zwiegesang
• Wiegenlied
Michael Tsalka
Winner of multiple prizes and grants, acclaimed Dutch/Israeli early keyboard performer and pianist Michael Tsalka is a versatile musician, who performs solo and chamber music repertoire from the Baroque era to our days. After studies in Israel, Germany and Italy, he graduated in 2008 from Temple University (U.S.A) with a D.M.A. in Piano Performance and an M.M. in Early Keyboard Performance. Dr. Tsalka maintains a busy concert schedule, making presentations in Europe, the U.S.A., Canada, Asia, Russia, Australia, New Zealand and Latin America.
He has recorded more than twenty CDs for labels such as NAXOS/Grand Piano, Sheva Collection, Paladino, Brilliant Classics and Ljud & Bild. Dr. Tsalka has been the artistic director of festivals in Mainland China, Sweden and Finland. Currently he is the artistic director of the Geelvinck International Fortepiano Festival (Amsterdam). www.michaeltsalka.com