Spiegelzaal: Michael Tsalka en Izhar Elias, 15 mei, 10 uur

15 mei 2016 | 10.00 uur | Concertgebouw, Amsterdam

Zondagochtend 15 mei, tussen 10 en 11 uur treden fortepianist Michael Tsalka en klassiek gitarist Izhar Elias op in het Radio – 4 programma ‘Spiegelzaal’ van AVRO/TROS, gepresenteerd door Hans van den Boom.

Izhar en Michael laten muziek horen van Mauro Giuliani en Johann Nepomuk Hummel.
Michael speelt op de Zahler fortepiano vleugel, Wenen, ca. 1805 (bruikleen Gijs Wilderom).

U kunt er live bij zijn of de uitzending thuis beluisteren, gekluisterd aan de radio.


Michael Tsalka (fortepiano and harpsichord):
Winner of multiple prizes and grants, acclaimed Dutch/Israeli early keyboard performer and pianist Michael Tsalka is a versatile musician, who performs solo and chamber music repertoire from the Baroque era to our days. After studies in Israel, Germany and Italy, he graduated in 2008 from Temple University (U.S.A) with a D.M.A. in Piano Performance and an Masters degrees in Early Keyboard Performance and Chamber Music. Dr. Tsalka maintains a busy concert schedule, making presentations in Europe, the U.S.A., Canada, Asia, Russia, Australia, New Zealand and Latin America.
He has recorded sixteen CDs for the labels NAXOS/Grand Piano, Paladino Vienna, Brilliant Classics and Ljud & Bild Stockholm. Dr. Tsalka has been the artistic director of festivals in Mainland China, Sweden and Finland. Currently he is the artistic director of the Geelvinck Fortepiano Festival (Amsterdam).

Izhar Elias (guitar):
Izhar Elias is specialist in early music, chamber music and new music for guitar. He has given concerts, lectures, and masterclasses, and been the soloist in concertos with renowned orchestras, in Europe, Russia, south-east Asia and Australia. Izhar has won many national and international competitions. In 2011 he won the prestigious Dutch Music Prize, the highest musical award given by the Dutch government. Through extensive research, he has been able to recreate a musical language of the Baroque, Classic and Romantic periods using original instruments and historical methods. Izhar Elias has premiered over 50 works. In addition he mixes different artistic disciplines in his collaborations with choreographers, experimental film makers and theatre directors.

