Michael Tsalka & Megumi Tanno give free Fortepiano Master classes
23 oktober 2017 | 10.00 uur
| Muziek Museum Zutphen, Zutphen

Dr. Michael Tsalka and Ms. Megumi Tanno, two experts in the interpretation of Baroque, Classical and Early Romantic repertoire offer a one-day master class. It is a unique opportunity for early keyboard performers to receive free instruction on several of the historical instruments of the Geelvinck Collection.
Time schedule:
— Cristian Leal (Chili; studies in Vienna)
10.00-10.50 by Michael Tsalka
— Mao Omori (Japan; studies in the Netherlands)
11.00-11.50 by Michael Tsalka
11.00-11.50 by Michael Tsalka
— Aurelia Visovan (Rumania; studies in Vienna)
11.10-12.00 by Michael Tsalka
11.50-12.20: Lunch break
— Cristian Leal
12.30-13.20 by Megumi Tanno
— Mao Omori
13.30-14.20 by Megumi Tanno
— Aurelia Visovan
14.25-15.10 by Megumi Tanno
— Tulia Melandri (Italy; post-master in the Netherlands)
15.20-16.10 by Michael Tsalka
Publiek is van harte welkom om deze masterclasses mee te maken.
Audience is most welcome.