Tae-Young Kim – fortepiano: ‘Beethoven & the Korean Spirit’
9 december 2020 | 17.00 uur
| Huize Kolthoorn, Heerde

Beethoven remains popular in the Korean charts today. The world famous 9th Symphony and the Fidelio Ouverture are often played at the New-Year concerts. The Grand Sonata Pathétique – also performed in this program – comes high in the ranking of Korea’s best loved classical music choice, according to an enquete by Korean classical radio.
Contemporary composers such as Chunggil Kim share with Beethoven a drive to make the world a better place with their music. Their music created a bridge between Western and Korean musical traditions.
Program ‘Beethoven & the Korean Spirit’
Chunggil Kim (1933-2012) Gopung (Alte Stimmung)
II Namaksin (Korean wooden shoes)
III Okbinyo (Korean jade hair accesoire)
IV Munpungji (Korean traditional paper for the door & window against the wind)
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 – 1827) Sonata in c minor Op. 13 ‘Pathétique’ !1798)
Grave – Allegro di molto e con brio
Adagio cantabile
Korean volkstune (arr. Tae-Young Kim) Baetnorae (Barcarole)
– Intermission –
Beethoven-Liszt ‘An die ferne Geliebte‘ S 469
Ludwig van Beethoven Sonata in E Major Op. 109
Vivace, ma non troppo
Gesangvoll, mit innigster Empfindung
– Andante molto cantabile ed espressivo
Pathétique – Andre Stein 1806
Barcarole, Beethoven-Liszt ‘An die ferne Geliebte’, Sonata Op. 109 – Conrad Graf 1836
Chunggil Kim – Bechstein ca 1890
Note on the Korean composers
Chunggil Kim (1933-2012)
Notable Koreans composer. He studied composition in Hannover Musikhochschule, and worked as a professor in Seoul National University. He was also music director for Seoul Olympic in 1988.
He was deeply engaged on the issue how to approach the general public closer and to bind music and the society.
Suite for piano ‘Gopung’(1981) is a meaningful composition within Korean compositional history. He picked Korean traditional familiar material as his compositional subjects, and adapted well-known Korean traditional melody and rhythm to these piano pieces. After his brave first step, other Korean composers got influenced to try to come closer to the listeners with their new compositions.
Baetnorae (Korean traditional barcarole)
That one of the most famous and popular Korean traditional tune used to be a labor song by fishermen on the east sea of Korea. Later it became a folksong in Gyeonggi-Region (suburb of Seoul).
Performer’s Choice of compositions for this Program
Tae-Young Kim writes: ‘Though Beethoven’s late life was quite tough, his life was always with full passion for music. Regardless hardship of his real life, he never lost his sense of duty to contribute to the world by his music, showing his abundant love and passion to the people, whole world and music.
Compositions by Chunggil Kim might be considered by some Koreans a bit light and popular approach. That point of view could be quite right. But on the other hand, that kind of public-friendly attitude by a classical trained composer can be considered as a quite brave attitude in Korea. Chunggil Kim tried a bit different way than usually contemporary composers do in Korea, and seriously tried to let people get into friendly contact with classical or semi-classical new compositions.
In that sense, the composer can be considered as one of Beethoven-like musicians in Korean music history.
About ‘Baetnorae’(Korean traditional barcarole), I imagine the scenery of Bashkir horsemen on the Shipbridge, crossing the IJssel River.’
Informatie voor de bezoeker:
Uw kaartje à € 25 is inclusief een plek bij de live opname van het concert, een drankje & kosteloos link voor de online-uitzending van het door u bijgewoonde concert te bekijken
Met uw ticketaankoop steunt u de musici in deze moeilijke tijd, nu er zoveel concertzaken gesloten zijn, maar niet het LMA.!
Het live concert bijwonen
De concerten in het kader van het Geelvinck Early Piano Festival 2020 hebben een ander format dan u gewend bent. Alle concerten worden opgenomen, wat met zich meebrengt dat de daarbij behorende apparatuur deel van de setting zal zijn. De opnames worden op een later (spoedig) moment via Vimeo uitgezonden. De uitzenddatum maken wij bekend op onze website, in onze Geelvinck Nieuwsbrief en op onze social media.
Door uw aanwezigheid stemt u in met de mogelijkheid dat u in beeld komt. In verband met de opname verzoeken wij u OP TIJD aanwezig te zijn. Advies niet later dan: 16.45 uur.
Het Huize Kolthoorn houdt zich aan de door de overheid opgelegde beperkende maatregelen om het gevaar van Covid-19 verspreiding te beperken. Het aantal bezoekers aan het museum en de concerten is zeer beperkt. Er geldt een bezoekersprotocol met aanwijzingen, waarvan wij u verzoeken deze goed in acht te nemen. Mondkapje dragen is vanzelfsprekend en doet u pas af wanneer u gezeten bent. Wij (het Luther- en Geelvinckteam) wensen u een plezierig bezoek.
Voor meer informatie, klik heer
Information for the visitor:
Your ticket includes a place at the live recording of the concert, a free drink & free entry to the online festival episodes relating to this concert
Your ticket purchase is a great support for the musicians, now concert venues are closing their doors, but not the LMA!
Attending the live concert
The festival concerts will have another format than you are used to. All concerts of the Geelvinck Early Piano Festival 2020 will be recorded, which means that the necessary equipments is part of the scene. The recordings will be broadcasted on Vimeo at a later (soon) moment. We will announce the broadcast date on our website, in our Geelvinck Newsletter and on our social media. Please note that the format of the concert may be altered to fit with our accompanying podcasts.
By your presence, you agree to the possibility that you will be shown. In connection with the admission, we request that you be present ON TIME. Advice no later than: 4.45 pm.
Corona measures
Kolthoorn House adheres to government-imposed restrictions to limit the danger of Covid-19 spread. The number of visitors to the museum and the concerts is very limited. There is a visitor protocol with instructions, which we ask you to carefully observe. Wearing a face mask is essential and should not be removed until you are seated. We (the Luther and Geelvinck team) wish you a pleasant visit.
For more information, click here
Videostream – Geelvinck Festival Online!
Onze online festival zal plaatsvinden in december 2020! informatie over de online videostream volgt binnenkort.
Our online festival is launching in December 2020! Information about watching the videostream online will be available soon
Huize Kolthoorn
De Gelderse villa Huize Kolthoorn in de gelijknamige buurtschap, werd in 1880 op een steenworp van de grote en veel oudere boerderij van het landgoed gebouwd. Indertijd omvatte het landgoed - gelegen tussen de IJssel en de Noord-Veluwe - eveneens het aanpalende bos- en heidegebied (nu Landgoed Boshoven). Het landgoed werd in 1899 aangekocht door de gevierde kunstschilder Jan L. Kleintjes (1872-1955) en zijn vrouw Hedwig Kleintjes - van Osselen (1871-1936), dochter van de bekende kinderboekenschrijfster, Berta van Osselen - van Delden (1847-1936) en zelf ook kunstenares. Kolthoorn groeide in die jaren uit tot een centrum waar kunstenaars van diverse pluimage elkaar ontmoetten.Lees verder
8181 CS Heerde