Geelvinck Fortepiano Symposium 2016
19 oktober 2016 | 10.00 uur
| Pianola Museum, Amsterdam

‘Day of the Square Piano & Clavichord’
Theme: Historic Instruments: Collections – Repertoire – Public Presentation and Music
(Fortepiano, Clavichord and Square Piano)
The symposium is in English language.
9:45-10.00 Registration
10:00-10:10 Introduction by Dr. Michael Tsalka
10:10-10:50 Lecture-Recital by Eddie Giffney (New Zealand)
“London’s Dancing Dogs in Performance”: Works by Women Composers Cecilia Maria Barthelémon (1767-1859) and Veronika Dussek Cianchettini (1769-1833).
10:50-11:35 Lecture-Recital by Ratko Delorko (Germany)
New music for Hammerclavier: „Bagatelle“. A commission for „Beethoven 250 – Bonn“ – viewn through the composer’s glasses. Preluded with a prelude by Ladislav Dussek (1760-1812)
11:35-12:15 Lecture-Recital by Dr. Assaf Sommer (Israel)
From the Fortepiano to the Steinway: Translating W. A. Mozart’s Keyboard Works
12:15-13:15 LUNCH BREAK
13:15-13.45 Lecture-Recital by Dr. Michael Tsalka (Netherlands/Israel)
Resignation: A Musico-Poetic Fantasy to Words by Friedrich Schiller and Music by Ferdinand Ries (1784-1838)
13:45-14:45 Movie Projection by Mr. Edwin Beunk (Netherlands)
The Last Sound: A Movie describing the E. Beunk Fortepiano Collection and the Voyage of One of its Instruments to Japan
14.45-15:15 COFFEE BREAK
THIRD SESSION: National Platform for Music Museums and Musical Instrument Collections
This separate session will be in Dutch language (if required a translation will be provided)
15.15-15:30 Introduction of the National Platform for Music Museums and Musical Instrument Collections
15:30-16:15 Presentation by Jurn Buisman (Netherlands) on the strategy of Museum Geelvinck
A concept for the public presentation of a working collection of historic pianos
16:15-16:30 Discussions
16:30-17:30 Drinks
If you wish to attend only the third session, this is free of charge. For more information (Dutch language) and joining the third session only, please click here.
All participants are invited to attend Gilbert Martinez clavichord and square Piano recital at 20h00 PM free of charge. Please use “vrijkaart”.
If you can not pay by iDeal (e.g. in case you have a foreign bank account only), please send an e-mail to and we reserve tickets for you.
Pianola Museum
Het Pianola Museum, een van de kleinere musea van Amsterdam, bevindt zich in de Jordaan. In het museum staan tal van piano’s die vanzelf kunnen spelen: pianola's, reproduktiepiano's en alles wat daarmee te maken heeft.Lees verder
1015 MN Amsterdam